Our network has united under one name: Knoxville Orthopaedic Clinic

Our network has united under one name: Knoxville Orthopaedic Clinic

Since 1998, the physicians of Knoxville Orthopaedic Clinic, University Orthopaedic Surgeons, OrthoTennessee Maryville and KOC Oak Ridge have partnered as one organization. We have always been one team, but now our network has come together under one name: Knoxville Orthopaedic Clinic (KOC).

This makes it easier for patients to identify our expansive network of services across East Tennessee, which includes:

All of our providers and team members share one purpose: improving lives through patient-centered care – every patient, every time. We believe that by focusing on our patients with elite and compassionate care, we can help the community be healthier and happier.

You’ll find our physicians on the sidelines of athletic games from youth sports to professional leagues, in the classroom with the University of Tennessee Medical Center, in surgery at all 5 hospital systems, and at one or more of our 10 office locations:

  • Weisgarber
  • West
  • Turkey Creek
  • University
  • Powell
  • Oak Ridge
  • Maryville
  • Sevierville
  • Lakeway
  • Harriman

We offer 6 KOC Urgent Care clinics for walk-in orthopaedic care:

If surgery is required, our physicians offer procedures at two surgery centers offering advanced technology and convenient parking for outpatient surgery where patients can go home the same day:

We are excited about the future and are always looking for ways to improve how we serve our patients and the community. With this integration, we can provide a wider range of services, more convenient locations and wide-ranging expertise to ensure you get the best care and outcome possible.

Request an appointment today.