When your shoes don’t fit right, your feet can be subject to injury or even permanent deformity. These problems include soreness, blisters, calluses, corns, bunions, and hammertoe. Wearing well-fitting shoes can prevent pain and discomfort in your feet. Here, we offer some guidelines for ensuring the best fit for your feet: Measure your feet regularly, as shoe size can change … Read More
Your feet are built to handle lots of stress. Sometimes, excess force and other issues can overwhelm the structures of your foot or ankle, leading to short-term or chronic heel pain. This heel pain typically occurs beneath the heel, behind the heel, or both. Heel Pain Behind the Heel: You may be running too much or have shoes that rub … Read More
Sprains and strains in the ankle are different injuries requiring different methods of care. Knowing the difference between these injuries is important. An ankle sprain involves a stretching or tearing of the ligaments connecting the bones in the foot, ankle, and lower leg. Ankle sprains are a very common injury among athletes and active individuals. These sprains can sometimes be … Read More
According to our joint replacement experts, you may be ready for a joint replacement if you’re experiencing the following: You have joint pain that keeps you awake at night The pain in your knee prevents you from participating in your favorite recreational activities You have stiffness in your joint that limits your ability to move or lift your leg You … Read More
High levels of stress can cause headaches, disturb sleep, and lead to high blood pressure and depression. Coping with stress properly becomes even more important if you are one of the more than 40 million Americans living with arthritis. The complications and challenges of living with the chronic pain caused by arthritis can create stress. This alone can create a … Read More
Planning for your return home prior to surgery can help assure a smoother recovery. The following are some things to keep in mind when returning home from a joint replacement: Bring in help. Sometimes, patients will need to stay at a rehabilitation facility after a procedure. However, other patients might return home a day or two after certain surgeries. These … Read More